Are you already a Volunteer?

Become a volunteer for West Michigan Dance Festival and start making a difference today — get started below:

WMDF Class Registration

Assist with Registration of students prior to dance classes. This includes ensuring all forms are completed, payment has been accepted, and initiating new registrations day of, if necessary. 

WMDF Professional Showcase (Set-Up)

Assist with setting up for the professional showcase performance. This includes and is not limited to prepping the ticket table, prepping the merchandise table, cleaning, laying marley, and welcoming artists into the space.

WMDF Professional Showcase

Volunteers are needed to assist in activities including but not limited to greeting audience members as they enter the space, guiding them to seats, ticketing, passing out programs, communicating with artists backstage, running between dressing rooms and stage, and communicating with WMDF Staff.

WMDF Professional Showcase (Strike/Clean-Up)

Assisting WMDF staff with striking the stage, cleaning up the venue, ushering audience members out into the lobby, collecting programs, taking down tables, packing up belongings, cleaning dressing rooms, collecting lost and found items, and more.